Your Executive Presence, Visibility and Professional Network In a Virtual World
Given that most people are working remotely, many executives have been asking me about how to maintain closer relationships with people at work. Some people feel they are “ being left out of the loop”, “ being micromanaged”, “ do not feel important”, “ losing visibility”, and “ living in fear they are going to be sacked next”.
In times like these, your network determines your net worth.
For many years, during my leadership coaching sessions, I have been sharing actionable strategies on
“How To Build Your Professional Network Without Drinking, Bragging, or Golfing!”
It turns out, these are more relevant now than ever before because of social distancing measures — and it works astonishingly well for both introverts and extroverts.
There is a popular misconception that you have to “meet” people often to ‘build’ your professional network. The key is to become more effective and more strategic. Most people do not see this important distinction.
Why should you be more strategic in your approach? If you are spending too much time on traditional networking(like meeting, drinking, partying, or golfing) you might just be sacrificing your valuable personal time with little or no results. Since you can’t do traditional networking now, you might feel even more frustrated and left out of the loop.
When people don’t know you well, they trust you less! You probably are aware that people do business only with those they know, like and trust.
The toolkit for “How To Build Your Professional Network Without Drinking, Bragging, or Golfing!” is very broad and deep to fit into an article, but I would like to share with you 7 preliminary steps that can get you started now!
- Make a deeper connection and authentic trust with every person you meet, including people in authority.
- Make a determined effort to stay in touch with your Team 1, Team 2, Team 3
- Develop your Executive Presence to match your next-level role, so that key decision-makers give you the respect, command, and admiration you deserve
- Develop a distinct Personal Brand so that others know how they can help you and refer you for better roles or better opportunities. You can’t move up if you do not stand out.
- Develop your Elevator Pitch (that elevates your brand) so that you introduce yourself in the right way to suit each situation. Different situations might need different approaches. Adapt your pitch to the occasion after knowing more about your listeners.
- When you speak up, carry on a structured conversation so that people remember what you say for longer. When you do this right, people will think of you even when you are not around. Conversely — Do you remembering anything that’s said in a boring conversation with no structure or substance? You get the point.
- Prepare a plan to contribute to members in your network in an authentic way so that you are no longer a stranger. Giving and reciprocal relationships form the foundation of networking. However, use this along with the other 5 Core Skills and 23 Key Focus Areas so that others do no take advantage of your time, compassion, and generosity.
Nurturing Positive Relationship at work is one of the 23 key focus areas for your Next Level Leadership Readiness.
Learn more at
Remember: When you become more strategic and effective in your relationship-building efforts with key decision-makers,
Out of Sight need not be Out of Mind!
Great leadership relies on a network of relationships so that you get the right help when you need it the most.
Stay in the inner circle of those who can help you in achieving your goals without changing who you are nor sacrificing your personal time
Never stop learning and stay ready for the rebound!
Learn more at
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